Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Dinner with Industry at the Dragon Hotel where I was guest speaker

I spoke at the Bright Futures Society Dinner with Industry last Tuesday evening at the Dragon Hotel. It was a great evening and an opportunity for me to tell a large group of people about ETSETH.

Bright Futures is the Swansea University Society that aims to give under-graduates life and employment skills. Held at the Dragon Hotel 70 under-graduates paid to attend with 30 guests from all fields of industry. There is an almost speed-dating element as the students talk to the guests on their table then move after each course. They have the opportunity to ask questions and present themselves to up to 12 business people during dinner plus mingle at the champagne reception.
 The master of ceremonies for the evening was Chris Wilding, the Society’s President with 2 guest speakers. Jackie Jobes, who graduated last year from Swansea University was a committee member with Bright Futures and now works as a Regional Development Officer for the National Organisation. She spoke of the problems she’d experienced in her first two years as an under-graduate and how Bright Futures had changed her life around. It was a down-to-earth talk that many students could relate to: it presented them with the opportunities open to them.

At the after dinner networking both students and businesses came forward to support me with offers to help in different ways. I hope they are as eager when I call them back.

Dinner with Industry was a great success for both under-graduates and their guests taking away good contacts. The evening proved that we should be proud of our young people.

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